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Friday, 14 January 2011

Self Promotion Evaluation

Evaluation of my own work

I looked at alot of items which I could place my logo onto such as bumper stickers, key chains, clothing ect, I did finnally place my logo onto two items of clothing, a cap and a hoodie. I chose the hoodie because hoodies in general are popular pretty much everywhere around the world so putting my logo on hoodies would hopefully get me know in no time at all, The cap I chose mainly for when summer arrives, I have seen alot of people wear caps including myself so just like the hoodie hopefully people will take notice of the logo and take alook at my photographs. 

I then went about designing a pen and buisness cards with my logo on, all was well until a small problem came up involving my memory stick not saving my logo because of this I had to make a buisness card using the font types I had availble. Although it wasnt the design I wanted the outcome of the designs were overall good, the wording stood out from the background making them more noticable. 

The audience I would target would be people who'd be interested in Digital art, these are most likely to be under 40 when it comes to age groups. I would advertise around arts colleges, art fairs, Universitys, Art gallerys and places where art supplies are sold. 

The way I got into contact with these Universitys and Art gallerys is through twitter and facebook, the places have there own twitter and facebook pages so that the public can get information on what they offer and where they are based, It was just the case of sending a message to them and waiting for a reply. The various social networks have proven very handy for contacting Uni's, Colleges and art galleries and easier than traveling miles just to get a few details and using networks in general can help me promote myself to a liver audience and at low costs. To make my network consistant I have used the same logo on every website I wish to promote myself on, In the future I plan to link my blogger with facebook so that if I update in blogger it will auto update in facebook making my self promotion alot more interesting.

Evaluating work from others

We went into a group and took alook at each others promotional items, there many items such as mugs, bumper stickers, mouse mat all had a common theme about them, they all had logos which stood out from the background there was some designs which the logo colour would blend in with the item, making the logo difficult to spot at a distance for example one logo colour was dark blue with a black background. Another was the font size used on some of the logos I saw, one such design had small white wording with a black background, there was nothing wrong with the design it was just the font size that spoilt it. There was one item during this presentation which was a goodie bag full with verious other items such as a mug, a pen, a bumper sticker, a box design for a promo CD and buisness cards, the designs on the items were good, the logo stood out on each item, after taking a look through the goodie bag it seems the target audience would be aimed at possibly galleries and art/photography fairs. Dispite the good design and idea I think the idea of a goodie bag would be somwhat expensive, The mug seemed like the most expensive out of all the items, it would be easier to remove the mug but keep all the other items.

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