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Friday, 15 October 2010

Image in another Image

This is another post which was some how removed from my blogger.

During the lesson we had to use a image provided then carefully go around the image with the crop tool, once that was done we simple took the image out which we have cropped then place it within another background type image. It worked but when i did it the image i cropped came out black and white evan though the image was in colour. I did ask my tutor as to why it happened but he couldn't figure it out either. 

This screenshot was taken just after i placed the image of the woman into the background image. As you can see the woman has come out black and white instead of in colour.

RSS sharing feeds

Although i did post this after the lesson a few weeks ago the post seems to have deleted itself, possibly through me editing the page layout so many times or just a simple glitch. 

RSS feeds stand for Really Simple Syndication, its basically the system used for people to share their feeds on more than one social network.

Some of these networks which have the RSS system are 

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Blogger

Friday, 8 October 2010

Photoshop Logo

Today i worked on my logo in photoshop using the traced letters i did last week, i did go with my original font design but after looking at other font designs on photoshop i chose to use engravers MT, the layout suited my logo design so i kept it. 

So now i had to invert my logo ( making the lettering white and the background black ), to do this i had to select the letters then make them pixelated by selecting rasterize, then select image and go to the adjustments option and select invert.

After i inverted the lettering they disappeared from view all i had to do with deselect the background, the final step was to keep the letter selected, add a new layer then go to edit, then fill and fill the box in black, once that was done i simply moved the layer to the right position and created a inverted lettering. 

the task sounded difficult but was in fact rather easy.

<-- My logo with the wording at the bottom

<-- My logo without the wording at the bottom